Friends of the Black Earth Public Library Meeting


ANNUAL MEETING of the Friends of Black Earth Public Library  

May 19, 2021, 5:00 pm       

Black Earth Public Library




1) Call to Order

2) Announcements

3) Approval of minutes

4) Treasurer’s Report

5) Introduction of new Library Director

6) Library Director’s Report

7) Friends of Mazo/Black Earth Library Scholarship Award winner

8) Nominations for Vice President and Secretary (two-year terms)

9) Planning for upcoming fund raising events

10) Funding to purchase Go Big Read selection for Book Discussion Group

11) Public Input

12) New Business

13) Call for Adjournment



Friends of the Black Earth Public Library Minutes 

 February 10, 2021, 5 p.m.


Present:  Mary Boettcher, Marilyn DeWitt, Lisa Lutz, Mary Miron, Pat Mommaerts, 

Gary Olsen, Kirsten Rogers, Carolyn Shaffer, David Stanfield


1) The meeting was called to order at 5 pm by president Pat Mommaerts.


2) Approval of minutes. The minutes were approved as written. (Gary/Lisa)


3) Treasurer’s Report. Treasurer Lisa Lutz reported that there is $12,736.07 in the Friends checking account. Proceeds from the Silent Auction totaled $1,195. The Friends are now officially a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.


4) Director’s Report. Acting Director Kirsten Rogers announced that there are applicants for the library director’s position. They are currently on track for the new director to begin April 1. The library now offers an extended wi-fi service accessible from outside the library 24/7. Digital magazines are available on overdrive and Libby. There are many donated books to be sorted. Kirsten will check with Rita Ketelboeter to see if she is interested in sorting the books on hand.


5) Discussion of Library/Village Board communication. David Stanfield noted that the Village Board moved to postpone an audit of the library. The Village Board and Library Board members were invited to a training session on risk assessment. 


6) Discussion of election of board members (vice president and secretary). A tentative date for the annual meeting and election was set for May 12. There is at least one nominee for both positions. 


7) The Friends board members presented Carolyn with a gift certificate to Willy Street Co-op and thanked her for her many years of excellent service as library director.


8) Discussion of library capacity. Nothing new to report.


9) Planning for 2021.  Fundraisers are tentative at this time but the Friends hope to hold a pie auction in conjunction with an activity sponsored by the Black Earth Chamber, possibly hold a book sale at same time as pie auction. Carolyn was planning to participate in an on-line Trivia Contest and will report back on how that goes as a possibility for this year’s Trivia Night in October. The Friends plan to hold a Silent Auction again this year near Thanksgiving. Membership typically renews for the time period May to May. Will discuss membership promotion in more detail at the annual meeting in May.


10) Public input. None.

11) Meeting adjourned at 6 pm.